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Why TransHawk Systems?

Three key features of the TransHawk Systems Solution


  1. TransHawk Systems technology has been developed specifically for the cell and communication tower industry, it is not an adapted solution

  2. Our technology resides at the tower site, ensuring that automated monitoring and control functions are continuous, even in the event of a temporary communications failure

  3. We have fully developed NOC interface and procedures for monitoring of tower networks of any size and sophistication


TransHawk Systems technology provides functionality available nowhere else:


  • Continuous monitoring of perimeter security, with breaches of "masked" security zones recorded and available for immediate NOC review

  • Backup generator monitoring and control for tower company equipment

  • The level of fiber activity is monitored through non-invasive technology (patent protected) facilitating rapid detection and pinpointing of equipment failures

  • Structural stability of towers is monitored continuously through sophisticated "twist & sway" technology (patent protected)

  • Grounding status of tower and carrier equipment is continuously monitored (patent protected) with the ability to identify specific components with grounding failure

  • EMP detection and instantaneous off-lining of equipment (patent protected)

  • Fully developed NOC interface and procedures for monitoring of tower networks of any size and sophistication

BENEFITS ACCRUE to all stakeholders

Public Safety and Homeland Security

  • Strengthen national telecommunications infrastructure through security and reliability

  • Anticipate and plan for emergency events (southeast U.S. hurricanes can trigger accelerated generator fueling most efficiently

    • Rapid identification of tower sites needing refueling, for example)

  • Anti terror capacity

    • Individual tower equipment can be immediately taken off-line if being utilized by unauthorized or hostile parties

  • Insulate communications functionality from EMP events

    • Terror or solar flare related


Tower Operators

  • Increase reliability of hub towers

  • Avoid truck rolls to remote locations for unnecessary maintenance

  • Avoid reputation risk from structural tower / stealth monopole failure

  • Reduce liability insurance costs

  • Reduced costs from more efficient generator maintenance / fueling schedule

  • Mobile interface allows field supervisors and technicians complete access to tower operations without constant contact with NOC

  • Position for compliance with communications equivalent of SHIELD act provisions and emerging FirstNet requirements



  • Increase reliability of infrastructure supporting antennas and microwave dishes (immediate detection of out-of-alignment of microwave equipment)

  • Site monitoring data can be streamed directly to carrier NOCs (grounding, access activity on all carrier equipment, etc)

Back-Haul Providers

  • Additional competitive marketing advantage for backhaul services being pitched to non-company owned towers

  • All"Tower Operators" benefits from above

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